Celestine, also known as celandite, is a semi-precious stone composed primarily of barium sulfate. It is famous for its delicate sky blue color and transparency, which gives it an ethereal appearance. Celestine is prized not only for its beauty, but also for its spiritual properties. It is often found in the form of geodes or brilliant crystals, and is often used in the making of jewelry or decorative objects.

Colors associated with celestite:

Celestine comes mainly in shades of light blue, but it can also have white, gray or slightly yellow hues. Its blue color evokes the sky and tranquility.

Chakra associated with celestite:

Celestine is primarily associated with the throat chakra, which is related to communication, self-expression, and listening. It helps unblock this chakra and promotes better fluidity in speech and expression of emotions.

Physical and psychological virtues of celestite:

Physical virtues :

    • Calming the nervous system : Celestine is known for its calming effects, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
    • Strengthening Bones and Teeth : It is often considered beneficial for bone and tooth health due to its calcium content.
    • Improved Digestion : Celestine can also help soothe digestive upsets and promote better assimilation of nutrients.

Psychic virtues :

    • Mental Clarity : Celestine promotes clarity of thought and concentration, facilitating decision making.
    • Self-expression : It helps to overcome emotional blocks and express oneself confidently, thus strengthening interpersonal communication.
    • Emotional Calming : Celestine is a calming stone that helps to calm intense emotions and promote a state of inner peace.

Purification and cleaning of celestite:

  • Purification : To purify celestite, it is recommended to immerse it in distilled water or to pass it through the smoke of sage or incense.
  • Cleaning : Cleaning with clear water, followed by a gentle wipe with a cloth, is sufficient to maintain the shine of the celestine.

Recharging Celestine:

  • Sun : Celestine can be recharged in sunlight, but it is best not to expose it for too long to avoid discoloration.
  • Moon : The light of the full moon is ideal for recharging celestite, bringing gentle and calming energies.
  • Quartz Geodes : It can also be recharged by being placed on a quartz or amethyst geode for several hours.

Use in lithotherapy:

Celestine is mainly used for:

  • Facilitate communication : It helps to express oneself clearly and establish constructive dialogues.
  • Bring inner peace : Celestine calms agitated minds and promotes a state of serenity and tranquility.
  • Stimulate creativity : It inspires artists and creators to develop new ideas.

Contraindications with other stones:

Celestine harmonizes well with many stones, but may be less effective when combined with highly energetic stones, such as garnet or rutilated quartz, as its gentle energy may be dampened.

Stones with which celestite can be associated and the benefits of this association:

  • Amethyst : The combination of celestite and amethyst promotes meditation and emotional calming, while providing spiritual protection.
  • Rose Quartz : Combined with Rose Quartz, Celestine enhances gentleness and love, promoting harmony in relationships.
  • Sodalite : The association with sodalite intensifies personal expression and clear communication, facilitating constructive dialogues.

Astrological sign associated with celestite:

Celestine is often associated with Water and Air signs, such as:

  • Pisces : It helps Pisces to better express their emotions and overcome their tendency to be overwhelmed by their feelings.
  • Aquarius : For Aquarius, Celestine stimulates mental clarity and strengthens the ability to communicate clearly and authentically.
  • Gemini : It promotes intellectual curiosity and the exchange of ideas in Gemini.

In summary

Colors Chakras Physical Virtues Psychic Virtues Astrological Signs
Light blue, white, gray Throat Chakra
  • Soothing the nervous system,
  • Strengthening bones,
  • Improved digestion
  • Mental clarity,
  • Self-expression,
  • Emotional calming
Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini

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