Lazurite is a deep blue gemstone, often confused with lapis lazuli, as it is one of its main components. Used for millennia in ancient civilizations, particularly in Egypt and Mesopotamia, lazurite was revered for its rich blue color and its ability to evoke the sky and deities. This stone is synonymous with wisdom, intuition, and spirituality, strengthening the connection with the higher planes and promoting mental clarity.

Colors associated with lazurite:

Lazurite is recognizable by its deep blue , often dotted with traces of golden pyrite or white calcite, giving it a starry appearance.

Chakra associated with lazurite:

Lazurite is particularly connected to the third eye chakra , which enhances intuition and spiritual vision. It can also be associated with the throat chakra to encourage honest and clear communication.

Physical and psychological virtues of lazurite:

Physical virtues :

    • Headache Relief : Like lapis lazuli, lazurite is used to soothe migraines and reduce stress.
    • Improved eye health : It is known for its benefits on vision and eye problems.
    • Nervous System Support : Lazurite promotes a stable nervous system, helping to reduce anxiety and calm tension.

Psychic virtues :

    • Spiritual Development : It helps open the third eye, promoting spiritual experiences and deep introspection.
    • Mental Clarity : Lazurite helps to clarify thoughts, facilitating decision making and the development of new ideas.
    • Emotional serenity : It promotes the calming of intense emotions and helps to manage stressful situations calmly.

Purification and cleaning of lazurite:

  • Purification : It is advisable to purify lazurite with distilled water or through the smoke of sage or incense.
  • Cleaning : To preserve its shine, clean the lazurite under running fresh water and wipe it with a soft cloth.

Lazurite recharge:

  • Sun : Avoid exposing lazurite to intense sunlight, as this may dull its vibrant color.
  • Moon : Recharge it in the light of the moon, especially during the full moon, to strengthen its spiritual properties.
  • Quartz Geode : A recharge on a quartz or amethyst geode is also beneficial.

Use in lithotherapy:

Lazurite is mainly used for:

  • Spiritual development : It opens the doors of intuitive perception and helps in deep meditation.
  • Mental clarity : It promotes a clear vision of situations, useful for making important decisions.
  • Emotional serenity : It helps to soothe troubled emotions and promote inner peace.

Contraindications with other stones:

Lazurite can lose its effectiveness if it is associated with overly energetic stones such as citrine or garnet.

Stones with which lazurite can be associated and the benefits of this association:

  • Amethyst : Together, Lazurite and Amethyst enhance intuition and promote deeper meditation.
  • Clear Quartz : Combined with Clear Quartz, it enhances mental and spiritual clarity.
  • Sodalite : Combined with Sodalite, it intensifies intuitive abilities and promotes clearer communication.

Astrological sign associated with lazurite:

Lazurite is particularly associated with the following signs:

  • Sagittarius : It supports the quest for wisdom and truth in Sagittarians.
  • Aquarius : Lazurite stimulates innovation and aids deep thinking in Aquarians.
  • Pisces : It strengthens intuition and helps soothe Pisces' emotions.

In summary

Colors Chakras Physical Virtues Psychic Virtues Astrological Signs
Deep blue, with gold and white traces Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Headache relief,
  • improved eye health,
  • nervous system support
  • Intuition,
  • mental clarity,
  • emotional serenity
Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

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