Magnesite is a semi-precious stone composed of magnesium carbonate. It is distinguished by its white color, sometimes marbled with gray or brown, and can also be tinted blue, green or pink for use in jewelry. Magnesite is known for its soothing properties and its positive influence on the mind and body. In lithotherapy, it is associated with relaxation, meditation and harmonization of emotions.

Colors associated with magnesite:

Magnesite is primarily white , but can sometimes appear in shades of gray , brown , or beige , and be artificially dyed to other colors.

Chakra associated with magnesite:

Magnesite is linked primarily to the heart chakra for emotional calming, and to the crown chakra to promote spiritual clarity and alignment with cosmic energy.

Physical and psychological virtues of magnesite:

Physical virtues :

    • Regulation of digestive disorders : Magnesite is known to support the digestive system and soothe stomach aches.
    • Muscle relaxation : It helps to relax the muscles and is particularly useful in cases of physical tension.
    • Elimination of toxins : It promotes the elimination of toxins from the body and can be useful in a detoxification process.

Psychic virtues :

    • Soothing Emotions : Magnesite is a calming stone that helps manage stress and soothe intense emotions.
    • Developing Patience : It encourages patience, tolerance and the ability to remain calm in the face of challenges.
    • Mental Clarity and Meditation : By helping to balance the mind, it promotes meditation and inner reflection, allowing one to achieve a state of peace.

Purification and cleaning of magnesite:

  • Purification : To purify magnesite, you can place it in distilled water or pass it through the smoke of incense or sage.
  • Cleaning : It is advisable to rinse it under clear water to eliminate accumulated energies.

Recharging magnesite:

  • Sun : Magnesite can be recharged in sunlight, but prolonged exposure may alter its color.
  • Moon : The light of the full moon is ideal for gently recharging this stone.
  • Quartz Geode : You can also place this on a quartz geode to revitalize it.

Use in lithotherapy:

Magnesite is mainly used for:

  • Stress management : It helps to relieve mental tension and reduce stress levels.
  • Emotional balance : It is used to harmonize emotions, thus promoting inner peace.
  • Meditation : It is a perfect stone to accompany meditative practices and moments of introspection.

Contraindications with other stones:

Magnesite works well with most stones, but it can lose its calming effect if combined with overly stimulating stones like garnet or citrine.

Stones with which magnesite can be associated and the benefits of this association:

  • Rose Quartz : In combination with Rose Quartz, Magnesite amplifies its calming effects and promotes love of self and others.
  • Amethyst : Combined with amethyst, magnesite promotes meditation and peace of mind.
  • Labradorite : The alliance with labradorite reinforces protection and energetic harmonization.

Astrological sign associated with magnesite:

Magnesite is particularly linked to the following signs:

  • Libra : It helps Libra find emotional balance and better manage stressful situations.
  • Gemini : For Gemini, it promotes mental clarity and focus.
  • Aquarius : It provides valuable assistance to Aquarians by stimulating inner reflection and calming emotions.

In summary

Colors Chakras Physical Virtues Psychic Virtues Astrological Signs
White, gray, brown, beige Heart chakra, crown chakra
  • Muscle relaxation,
  • digestive regulation,
  • elimination of toxins
  • Calming of emotions,
  • patience,
  • mental clarity
Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

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